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30 June 2020

Chris Lamb: Free software activities in June 2020

Here is my monthly update covering what I have been doing in the free software world during June 2020 (previous month): For Lintian, the static analysis tool for Debian packages:

Reproducible Builds One of the original promises of open source software is that distributed peer review and transparency of process results in enhanced end-user security. However, whilst anyone may inspect the source code of free and open source software for malicious flaws, almost all software today is distributed as pre-compiled binaries. This allows nefarious third-parties to compromise systems by injecting malicious code into ostensibly secure software during the various compilation and distribution processes. The motivation behind the Reproducible Builds effort is to ensure no flaws have been introduced during this compilation process by promising identical results are always generated from a given source, thus allowing multiple third-parties to come to a consensus on whether a build was compromised. The project is proud to be a member project of the Software Freedom Conservancy. Conservancy acts as a corporate umbrella allowing projects to operate as non-profit initiatives without managing their own corporate structure. If you like the work of the Conservancy or the Reproducible Builds project, please consider becoming an official supporter. This month, I:

Elsewhere in our tooling, I made the following changes to diffoscope including preparing and uploading versions 147, 148 and 149 to Debian: trydiffoscope is the web-based version of diffoscope. This month, I specified a location for the celerybeat scheduler to ensure that the clean/tidy tasks are actually called which had caused an accidental resource exhaustion. (#12)

Debian I filed three bugs against: Debian LTS This month I have worked 18 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS) and 5 hours on its sister Extended LTS project. You can find out more about the project via the following video:

20 June 2020

Dima Kogan: OpenCV C API transition. A rant.

I just went through a debugging exercise that was so ridiculous, I just had to write it up. Some of this probably should go into a bug report instead of a rant, but I'm tired. And clearly I don't care anymore. OK, so I'm doing computer vision work. OpenCV has been providing basic functions in this area, so I have been using them for a while. Just for really, really basic stuff, like projection. The C API was kinda weird, and their error handling is a bit ridiculous (if you give it arguments it doesn't like, it asserts!), but it has been working fine for a while. At some point (around OpenCV 3.0) somebody over there decided that they didn't like their C API, and that this was now a C++ library. Except the docs still documented the C API, and the website said it supported C, and the code wasn't actually removed. They just kinda stopped testing it and thinking about it. So it would mostly continue to work, except some poor saps would see weird failures; like this and this, for instance. OpenCV 3.2 was the last version where it was mostly possible to keep using the old C code, even when compiling without optimizations. So I was doing that for years. So now, in 2020, Debian is finally shipping a version of OpenCV that definitively does not work with the old code, so I had to do something. Over time I stopped using everything about OpenCV, except a few cvProjectPoints2() calls. So I decided to just write a small C++ shim to call the new version of that function, expose that with =extern "C"= to the rest of my world, and I'd be done. And normally I would be, but this is OpenCV we're talking about. I wrote the shim, and it didn't work. The code built and ran, but the results were wrong. After some pointless debugging, I boiled the problem down to this test program:
#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
    double fx = 1000.0;
    double fy = 1000.0;
    double cx = 1000.0;
    double cy = 1000.0;
    double _camera_matrix[] =
          fx,  0, cx,
          0,  fy, cy,
          0,   0,  1  ;
    cv::Mat camera_matrix(3,3, CV_64FC1, _camera_matrix);
    double pp[3] =  1., 2., 10. ;
    double qq[2] =  444, 555 ;
    int N=1;
    cv::Mat object_points(N,3, CV_64FC1, pp);
    cv::Mat image_points (N,2, CV_64FC1, qq);
    // rvec,tvec
    double _zero3[3] =  ;
    cv::Mat zero3(1,3,CV_64FC1, _zero3);
    cv::projectPoints( object_points,
                       cv::noArray(), 0.0);
    fprintf(stderr, "manually-projected no-distortion: %f %f\n",
            pp[0]/pp[2] * fx + cx,
            pp[1]/pp[2] * fy + cy);
    fprintf(stderr, "opencv says: %f %f\n", qq[0], qq[1]);
    return 0;
This is as trivial as it gets. I project one point through a pinhole camera, and print out the right answer (that I can easily compute, since this is trivial), and what OpenCV reports:
$ g++ -I/usr/include/opencv4 -o tst -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_core && ./tst
manually-projected no-distortion: 1100.000000 1200.000000
opencv says: 444.000000 555.000000
Well that's no good. The answer is wrong, but it looks like it didn't even write anything into the output array. Since this is supposed to be a thin shim to C code, I want this thing to be filling in C arrays, which is what I'm doing here:
double qq[2] =  444, 555 ;
int N=1;
cv::Mat image_points (N,2, CV_64FC1, qq);
This is how the C API has worked forever, and their C++ API works the same way, I thought. Nothing barfed, not at build time, or run time. Fine. So I went to figure this out. In the true spirit of C++, the new API is inscrutable. I'm passing in cv::Mat, but the API wants cv::InputArray for some arguments and cv::OutputArray for others. Clearly cv::Mat can be coerced into either of those types (and that's what you're supposed to do), but the details are not meant to be understood. You can read the snazzy C++-style documentation. Clicking on "OutputArray" in the doxygen gets you here. Then I guess you're supposed to click on "_OutputArray", and you get here. Understand what's going on now? Me neither. Stepping through the code revealed the problem. cv::projectPoints() looks like this:
void cv::projectPoints( InputArray _opoints,
                        InputArray _rvec,
                        InputArray _tvec,
                        InputArray _cameraMatrix,
                        InputArray _distCoeffs,
                        OutputArray _ipoints,
                        OutputArray _jacobian,
                        double aspectRatio )
    _ipoints.create(npoints, 1, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, 2), -1, true);
I.e. they're allocating a new data buffer for the output, and giving it back to me via the OutputArray object. This object already had a buffer, and that's where I was expecting the output to go. Instead it went to the brand-new buffer I didn't want. Issues: Well that's just super. I can call the C++ function, copy the data into the place it's supposed to go to, and then deallocate the extra buffer. Or I can pull out the meat of the function I want into my project, and then I can drop the OpenCV dependency entirely. Clearly that's the way to go. So I go poking back into their code to grab what I need, and here's what I see:
static void cvProjectPoints2Internal( const CvMat* objectPoints,
                  const CvMat* r_vec,
                  const CvMat* t_vec,
                  const CvMat* A,
                  const CvMat* distCoeffs,
                  CvMat* imagePoints, CvMat* dpdr CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
                  CvMat* dpdt CV_DEFAULT(NULL), CvMat* dpdf CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
                  CvMat* dpdc CV_DEFAULT(NULL), CvMat* dpdk CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
                  CvMat* dpdo CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
                  double aspectRatio CV_DEFAULT(0) )
Looks familiar? It should. Because this is the original C-API function they replaced. So in their quest to move to C++, they left the original code intact, C API and everything, un-exposed it so you couldn't call it anymore, and made a new, shitty C++ wrapper for people to call instead. CvMat is still there. I have no words. Yes, this is a massive library, and maybe other parts of it indeed did make some sort of non-token transition, but this thing is ridiculous. In the end, here's the function I ended up with (licensed as OpenCV; see the comment)
// The implementation of project_opencv is based on opencv. The sources have
// been heavily modified, but the opencv logic remains. This function is a
// cut-down cvProjectPoints2Internal() to keep only the functionality I want and
// to use my interfaces. Putting this here allows me to drop the C dependency on
// opencv. Which is a good thing, since opencv dropped their C API
// from opencv-4.2.0+dfsg/modules/calib3d/src/calibration.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
// Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
// are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
//   * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
//     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
//   * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
//     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
//     and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
//   * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products
//     derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
// any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
// warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
// In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
// indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages
// (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;
// loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused
// and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability,
// or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
typedef union
        double x,y;
    double xy[2];
typedef union
        double x,y,z;
    double xyz[3];
void project_opencv( // outputs
                     point2_t* q,
                     point3_t* dq_dp,               // may be NULL
                     double* dq_dintrinsics_nocore, // may be NULL
                     // inputs
                     const point3_t* p,
                     int N,
                     const double* intrinsics,
                     int Nintrinsics)
    const double fx = intrinsics[0];
    const double fy = intrinsics[1];
    const double cx = intrinsics[2];
    const double cy = intrinsics[3];
    double k[12] =  ;
    for(int i=0; i<Nintrinsics-4; i++)
        k[i] = intrinsics[i+4];
    for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )
        double z_recip = 1./p[i].z;
        double x = p[i].x * z_recip;
        double y = p[i].y * z_recip;
        double r2      = x*x + y*y;
        double r4      = r2*r2;
        double r6      = r4*r2;
        double a1      = 2*x*y;
        double a2      = r2 + 2*x*x;
        double a3      = r2 + 2*y*y;
        double cdist   = 1 + k[0]*r2 + k[1]*r4 + k[4]*r6;
        double icdist2 = 1./(1 + k[5]*r2 + k[6]*r4 + k[7]*r6);
        double xd      = x*cdist*icdist2 + k[2]*a1 + k[3]*a2 + k[8]*r2+k[9]*r4;
        double yd      = y*cdist*icdist2 + k[2]*a3 + k[3]*a1 + k[10]*r2+k[11]*r4;
        q[i].x = xd*fx + cx;
        q[i].y = yd*fy + cy;
        if( dq_dp )
            double dx_dp[] =   z_recip, 0,       -x*z_recip  ;
            double dy_dp[] =   0,       z_recip, -y*z_recip  ;
            for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
                double dr2_dp = 2*x*dx_dp[j] + 2*y*dy_dp[j];
                double dcdist_dp = k[0]*dr2_dp + 2*k[1]*r2*dr2_dp + 3*k[4]*r4*dr2_dp;
                double dicdist2_dp = -icdist2*icdist2*(k[5]*dr2_dp + 2*k[6]*r2*dr2_dp + 3*k[7]*r4*dr2_dp);
                double da1_dp = 2*(x*dy_dp[j] + y*dx_dp[j]);
                double dmx_dp = (dx_dp[j]*cdist*icdist2 + x*dcdist_dp*icdist2 + x*cdist*dicdist2_dp +
                                k[2]*da1_dp + k[3]*(dr2_dp + 4*x*dx_dp[j]) + k[8]*dr2_dp + 2*r2*k[9]*dr2_dp);
                double dmy_dp = (dy_dp[j]*cdist*icdist2 + y*dcdist_dp*icdist2 + y*cdist*dicdist2_dp +
                                k[2]*(dr2_dp + 4*y*dy_dp[j]) + k[3]*da1_dp + k[10]*dr2_dp + 2*r2*k[11]*dr2_dp);
                dq_dp[i*2 + 0].xyz[j] = fx*dmx_dp;
                dq_dp[i*2 + 1].xyz[j] = fy*dmy_dp;
        if( dq_dintrinsics_nocore )
            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 0] = fx*x*icdist2*r2;
            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 0] = fy*(y*icdist2*r2);
            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 1] = fx*x*icdist2*r4;
            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 1] = fy*y*icdist2*r4;
            if( Nintrinsics-4 > 2 )
                dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 2] = fx*a1;
                dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 2] = fy*a3;
                dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 3] = fx*a2;
                dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 3] = fy*a1;
                if( Nintrinsics-4 > 4 )
                    dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 4] = fx*x*icdist2*r6;
                    dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 4] = fy*y*icdist2*r6;
                    if( Nintrinsics-4 > 5 )
                        dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 5] = fx*x*cdist*(-icdist2)*icdist2*r2;
                        dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 5] = fy*y*cdist*(-icdist2)*icdist2*r2;
                        dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 6] = fx*x*cdist*(-icdist2)*icdist2*r4;
                        dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 6] = fy*y*cdist*(-icdist2)*icdist2*r4;
                        dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 7] = fx*x*cdist*(-icdist2)*icdist2*r6;
                        dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 7] = fy*y*cdist*(-icdist2)*icdist2*r6;
                        if( Nintrinsics-4 > 8 )
                            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 8] = fx*r2; //s1
                            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 8] = fy*0; //s1
                            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 9] = fx*r4; //s2
                            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 9] = fy*0; //s2
                            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 10] = fx*0;//s3
                            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 10] = fy*r2; //s3
                            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 11] = fx*0;//s4
                            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 11] = fy*r4; //s4
This does only the stuff I need: projection only (no geometric transformation), and gradients in respect to the point coordinates and distortions only. Gradients in respect to fxy and cxy are trivial, and I don't bother reporting them. So now I don't compile or link against OpenCV, my code builds and runs on Debian/sid and (surprisingly) it runs much faster than before. Apparently there was a lot of pointless overhead happening. Alright. Rant over.

15 June 2020

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: A better Toolforge: a technical deep dive

Logos This post was originally published in the Wikimedia Tech blog, and is authored by Arturo Borrero Gonzalez and Brooke Storm. In the previous post, we shared the context on the recent Kubernetes upgrade that we introduced in the Toolforge service. Today we would like to dive a bit more in the technical details. Custom admission controllers One of the key components of the Toolforge Kubernetes are our custom admission controllers. We use them to validate and enforce that the usage of the service is what we intended for. Basically, we have 2 of them: The source code is written in Golang, which is pretty convenient for natively working in a Kubernetes environment. Both code repositories include extensive documentation: how to develop, test, use, and deploy them. We decided to go with custom admission controllers because we couldn t find any native (or built-in) Kubernetes mechanism to accomplish the same sort of checks on user activity. With the Ingress controller, we want to ensure that Ingress objects only handle traffic to our internal domains, which by the time of this writing, are (our new domain) and (legacy). We safe-list the kube-system namespace and the tool-fourohfour namespace because both need special consideration. More on the Ingress setup later. The registry controller is pretty simple as well. It ensures that only our internal docker registry is used for user-scheduled containers running in Kubernetes. Again, we exclude from the checks containers running in the kube-system namespace (those used by Kubernetes itself). Other than that, the validation itself is pretty easy. For some extra containers we run (like those related to Prometheus metrics) what we do is simply upload those docker images to our internal registry. The controls provided by this admission controller helps us validate that only FLOSS software is run in our environment, which is one of the core rules of Toolforge. RBAC and Pod Security Policy setup I would like to comment next on our RBAC and Pod Security Policy setup. Using the Pod Security Policies (or PSP) we establish a set of constraints on what containers can and can t do in our cluster. We have many PSP configured in our setup: Each user can interact with their own namespace (this is how we achieve multi-tenancy in the cluster). Kubernetes knows about each user by means of TLS certs, and for that we have RBAC. Each user has a rolebinding to a shared cluster-role that defines how Toolforge tools can use the Kubernetes API. The following diagram shows the design of our RBAC and PSP in our cluster: RBAC and PSP for Toolforge diagram RBAC and PSP for Toolforge, original image in wikitech I mentioned that we know about each user by means of TLS certificates. This is true, and in fact, there is a key component in our setup called maintain-kubeusers. This custom piece of Python software is run as a pod inside the cluster and is responsible for reading our external user database (LDAP) and generating the required credentials, namespaces, and other configuration bits for them. With the TLS cert, we basically create a kubeconfig file that is then written into the homes NFS share, so each Toolforge user has it in their shell home directory. Networking and Ingress setup With the basic security controls in place, we can move on to explaining our networking and Ingress setup. Yes, the Ingress word might be a bit overloaded already, but we refer here to Ingress as the path that end-users follow from their web browser in their local machine to a webservice running in the Toolforge cluster. Some additional context here. Toolforge is not only Kubernetes, but we also have a Son of GridEngine deployment, a job scheduler that covers some features not available in Kubernetes. The grid can also run webservices, although we are encouraging users to migrate them to Kubernetes. For compatibility reasons, we needed to adapt our Ingress setup to accommodate the old web grid. Deciding the layout of the network and Ingress was definitely something that took us some time to figure out because there is not a single way to do it right. The following diagram can be used to explain the different steps involved in serving a web service running in the new Toolforge Kubernetes. Toolforge k8s network topology diagram Toolforge k8s network topology, original image in Wikitech The end-user HTTP/HTTPs request first hits our front proxy in (1). Running here is NGINX with a custom piece of LUA code that is able to decide whether to contact the web grid or the new Kubernetes cluster. TLS termination happens here as well, for both domains ( and Note this proxy is reachable from the internet, as it uses a public IPv4 address, a floating IP from CloudVPS, the infrastructure service we provide based on Openstack. Remember that our Kubernetes is directly built in virtual machines a bare-metal type deployment. If the request is directed to a webservice running in Kubernetes, the request now reaches haproxy in (2), which knows the cluster nodes that are available for Ingress. The original 80/TCP packet is now translated to 30000/TCP; this is the TCP port we use internally for the Ingress traffic. This haproxy instance provides load-balancing also for the Kubernetes API as well, using 6443/TCP. It s worth mentioning that unlike the Ingress, the API is only reachable from within the cluster and not from the internet. We have a NGINX-Ingress NodePort service listening in 30000/TCP in every Kubernetes worker node in (3); this helps the request to eventually reach the actual NGINX-Ingress pod in (4), which is listening in 8080/TCP. You can see in the diagram how in the API server (5) we hook the Ingress admission controller (6) to validate Kubernetes Ingress configuration objects before allowing them in for processing by NGINX-Ingress (7). The NGINX-Ingress process knows which tools webservices are online and how to contact them by means of an intermediate Service object in (8). This last Service object means the request finally reaches the actual tool pod in (9). At this point, it is worth noting that our Kubernetes cluster uses internally kube-proxy and Calico, both using Netfilter components to handle traffic. tools-webservice Most user-facing operations are simplified by means of another custom piece of Python code: tools-webservice. This package provides users with the webservice command line utility in our shell bastion hosts. Typical usage is to just run webservice start stop status. This utility creates all the required Kubernetes objects on-demand like Deployment, ReplicaSet, Ingress and Service to ease deploying web apps in Toolforge. Of course, advanced users can interact directly with Kubernetes API and create their custom configuration objects. This utility is just a wrapper, a shortcut. tool-fourohfour and tool-k8s-status The last couple of custom components we would like to mention are the tool-fourohfour and tool-k8s-status web services. These two utilities run inside the cluster as if they were any other user-created tool. The fourohfour tool allows for a controlled handling of HTTP 404 errors, and it works as the default NGINX-Ingress backend. The k8s-status tool shows plenty of information about the cluster itself and each tool running in the cluster, including links to the Server Admin Log, an auto-generated grafana dashboard for metrics, and more. For metrics, we use an external Prometheus server that contacts the Kubernetes cluster to scrape metrics. We created a custom metrics namespace in which we deploy all the different components we use to observe the behavior of the system: All the Prometheus data we collect is used in several different Grafana dashboards, some of them directed for user information like the ones linked by the k8s-status tool and some others for internal use by us the engineers. These are for internal use but are still public, like the Ingress specific dashboard, or the cluster state dashboard. Working publicly, in a transparent way, is key for the success of CloudVPS in general and Toolforge in particular. Like we commented in the previous post, all the engineering work that was done here was shared by community members. By the community, for the community We think this post sheds some light on how the Toolforge Kubernetes service works, and we hope it could inspire others when trying to build similar services or, even better, help us improve Toolforge itself. Since this was first put into production some months ago we detected already some margin for improvement in a couple of the components. As in many other engineering products, we will follow an iterative approach for evolving the service. Mind that Toolforge is maintained by the Wikimedia Foundation, but you can think of it as a service by the community for the community. We will keep an eye on it and have a list of feature requests and things to improve in the future. We are looking forward to it! This post was originally published in the Wikimedia Tech blog, and is authored by Arturo Borrero Gonzalez and Brooke Storm.

6 May 2020

Reproducible Builds: Reproducible Builds in April 2020

Welcome to the April 2020 report from the Reproducible Builds project. In our regular reports we outline the most important things that we and the rest of the community have been up to over the past month. What are reproducible builds? One of the original promises of open source software is that distributed peer review and transparency of process results in enhanced end-user security. But whilst anyone may inspect the source code of free and open source software for malicious flaws, almost all software today is distributed as pre-compiled binaries. This allows nefarious third-parties to compromise systems by injecting malicious code into seemingly secure software during the various compilation and distribution processes.

News It was discovered that more than 725 malicious packages were downloaded thousands of times from RubyGems, the official channel for distributing code for the Ruby programming language. Attackers used a variation of typosquatting and replaced hyphens and underscores (for example, uploading a malevolent atlas-client in place of atlas_client) that executed a script that intercepted Bitcoin payments. (Ars Technica report) Bernhard M. Wiedemann launched, a service that takes a package name as input and displays whether the package is reproducible in a number of distributions. For example, it can quickly show the status of Perl as being reproducible on openSUSE but not in Debian. Bernhard also improved the documentation of his unreproducible package to add some example patches for hash issues. [ ]. There was a post on Chaos Computer Club s website listing Ten requirements for the evaluation of Contact Tracing apps in relation to the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic. In particular:
4. Transparency and verifiability: The complete source code for the app and infrastructure must be freely available without access restrictions to allow audits by all interested parties. Reproducible build techniques must be used to ensure that users can verify that the app they download has been built from the audited source code.
Elsewhere, Nicolas Boulenguez wrote a patch for the Ada programming language component of the GCC compiler to skip -f.*-prefix-map options when writing Ada Library Information files. Amongst other properties, these .ali files embed the compiler flags used at the time of the build which results in the absolute build path being recorded via -ffile-prefix-map, -fdebug-prefix-map, etc. In the Arch Linux project, kpcyrd reported that they held their first rebuilder workshop . The session was held on IRC and participants were provided a document with instructions on how to install and use Arch s repro tool. The meeting resulted in multiple people with no prior experience of Reproducible Builds validate their first package. Later in the month he also announced that it was now possible to run independent rebuilders under Arch in a hands-off, everything just works solution to distributed package verification. Mathias Lang submitted a pull request against dmd, the canonical compiler for the D programming languageto add support for our SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable as well the other C preprocessor tokens such __DATE__, __TIME__ and __TIMESTAMP__ which was subsequently merged. SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH defines a distribution-agnostic standard for build toolchains to consume and emit timestamps in situations where they are deemed to be necessary. [ ] The Telegram instant-messaging platform announced that they had updated to version 5.1.1 continuing their claim that they are reproducible according to their full instructions and therefore verifying that its original source code is exactly the same code that is used to build the versions available on the Apple App Store and Google Play distribution platforms respectfully. Lastly, Herv Boutemy reported that 97% of the current development versions of various Maven packages appear to have a reproducible build. [ ]

Distribution work In Debian this month, 89 reviews of Debian packages were added, 21 were updated and 33 were removed this month adding to our knowledge about identified issues. Many issue types were noticed, categorised and updated by Chris Lamb, including: In addition, Holger Levsen filed a feature request against debrebuild, a tool for rebuilding a Debian package given a .buildinfo file, proposing to add --standalone or --one-shot-mode functionality.
In openSUSE, Bernhard M. Wiedemann made the following changes: In Arch Linux, a rebuilder instance has been setup at that is rebuilding Arch s [core] repository directly. The first rebuild has led to approximately 90% packages reproducible contrasting with 94% on the Reproducible Build s project own ArchLinux status page on that continiously builds packages and does not verify Arch Linux packages. More information may be found on the corresponding wiki page and the underlying decisions were explained on our mailing list.

Software development

diffoscope Chris Lamb made the following changes to diffoscope, the Reproducible Builds project s in-depth and content-aware diff utility that can locate and diagnose reproducibility issues (including preparing and uploading versions 139, 140, 141, 142 and 143 to Debian which were subsequently uploaded to the backports repository):
  • Comparison improvements:
    • Dalvik .dex files can also serve as APK containers so restrict the narrower identification of .dex files to files ending with this extension and widen the identification of APK files to when file(1) discovers a Dalvik file. (#28)
    • Add support for Hierarchical Data Format (HD5) files. (#95)
    • Add support for .p7c and .p7b certificates. (#94)
    • Strip paths from the output of zipinfo(1) warnings. (#97)
    • Don t uselessly include the JSON similarity percentage if it is 0.0% . [ ]
    • Render multi-line difference comments in a way to show indentation. (#101)
  • Testsuite improvements:
    • Add pdftotext as a requirement to run the PDF test_metadata text. (#99)
    • apktool 2.5.0 changed the handling of output of XML schemas so update and restrict the corresponding test to match. (#96)
    • Explicitly list python3-h5py in debian/tests/ to ensure that we have this module installed during a test run to generate the fixtures in these tests. [ ]
    • Correct parsing of ./ test --pytest-args arguments. [ ]
  • Misc:
    • Capitalise Ordering differences only in text comparison comments. [ ]
    • Improve documentation of FILE_TYPE_HEADER_PREFIX and FALLBACK_FILE_TYPE_HEADER_PREFIX to highlight that only the first 16 bytes are used. [ ]
Michael Osipov created a well-researched merge request to return diffoscope to using zipinfo directly instead of piping input via /dev/stdin in order to ensure portability to the BSD operating system [ ]. In addition, Ben Hutchings documented how --exclude arguments are matched against filenames [ ] and Jelle van der Waa updated the LLVM test fixture difference for LLVM version 10 [ ] as well as adding a reference to the name of the h5dump tool in Arch Linux [ ]. Lastly, Mattia Rizzolo also fixed in incorrect build dependency [ ] and Vagrant Cascadian enabled diffoscope to locate the openssl and h5dump packages on GNU Guix [ ][ ], and updated diffoscope in GNU Guix to version 141 [ ] and 143 [ ].

strip-nondeterminism strip-nondeterminism is our tool to remove specific non-deterministic results from a completed build. In April, Chris Lamb made the following changes:
  • Add deprecation plans to all handlers documenting how or if they could be disabled and eventually removed, etc. (#3)
  • Normalise *.sym files as Java archives. (#15)
  • Add support for custom .zip filename filtering and exclude two patterns of files generated by Maven projects in fork mode. (#13)

disorderfs disorderfs is our FUSE-based filesystem that deliberately introduces non-determinism into directory system calls in order to flush out reproducibility issues. This month, Chris Lamb fixed a long-standing issue by not drop UNIX groups in FUSE multi-user mode when we are not root (#1) and uploaded version 0.5.9-1 to Debian unstable. Vagrant Cascadian subsequently refreshed disorderfs in GNU Guix to version 0.5.9 [ ].

Upstream patches The Reproducible Builds project detects, dissects and attempts to fix as many currently-unreproducible packages as possible. We endeavour to send all of our patches upstream where appropriate. This month, we wrote a large number of such patches, including: In addition, Bernhard informed the following projects that their packages are not reproducible:
  • acoular (report unknown non-determinism)
  • cri-o (report a date issue)
  • gnutls (report certtool being unable to extend certificates beyond 2049)
  • gnutls (report copyright year variation)
  • libxslt (report a bug about non-deterministic output from data corruption)
  • python-astropy (report a future build failure in 2021)

Project documentation This month, Chris Lamb made a large number of changes to our website and documentation in the following categories:
  • Community engagement improvements:
    • Update instructions to register for Salsa on our Contribute page now that the signup process has been overhauled. [ ]
    • Make it clearer that joining the rb-general mailing list is probably a first step for contributors to take. [ ]
    • Make our full contact information easier to find in the footer (#19) and improve text layout using bullets to separate sections [ ].
  • Accessibility:
    • To improve accessibility, make all links underlined. (#12)
    • Use an enhanced foreground/background contrast ratio of 7.04:1. (#11)
  • General improvements:
  • Internals:
    • Move to using jekyll-redirect-from over manual redirect pages [ ][ ] and add a redirect from /docs/buildinfo/ to /docs/recording/. (#23)
    • Limit the website self-check to not scan generated files [ ] and remove the old layout checker now that I have migrated all them [ ].
    • Move the news archive under the /news/ namespace [ ] and improve formatting of archived news links [ ].
    • Various improvements to the draft template generation. [ ][ ][ ][ ]
In addition, Holger Levsen clarified exactly which month we ceased to do weekly reports [ ] and Mattia Rizzolo adjusted the title style of an event page [ ]. Marcus Hoffman also started a discussion on our website s issue tracker asking for clarification on embedded signatures and Chris Lamb subsequently replied and asked Marcus to go ahead and propose a concrete change.

Testing framework We operate a large and many-featured Jenkins-based testing framework that powers that, amongst many other tasks, tracks the status of our reproducibility efforts as well as identifies any regressions that have been introduced.
  • Chris Lamb:
    • Print the build environment prior to executing a build. [ ]
    • Drop a misleading disorderfs-debug prefix in log output when we change non-disorderfs things in the file and, as it happens, do not run disorderfs at all. [ ]
    • The CSS for the package report pages added a margin to all <a> HTML elements under <li> ones, which was causing a comma/bullet spacing issue. [ ]
    • Tidy the copy in the project links sidebar. [ ]
  • Holger Levsen:
    • General:
    • Debian:
      • Reduce scheduling frequency of the buster distribution on the arm64 architecture, etc.. [ ][ ]
      • Show builds per day on a per-architecture basis for the last year on the Debian dashboard. [ ]
      • Drop the Subgraph OS package set as development halted in 2017 or 2018. [ ]
      • Update debrebuild to version from the latest version of devscripts. [ ][ ]
      • Add or improve various parts of the documentation. [ ][ ][ ]
    • Work on a Debian rebuilder:
      • Integrate sbuild. [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
      • Select a random .buildinfo file and attempt to build and compare the result. [ ][ ][ ][ ]
      • Improve output and related output formatting. [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
      • Outline next steps for the development of the tool. [ ][ ][ ]
      • Various refactoring and code improvements. [ ][ ][ ]
Lastly, Mattia Rizzolo fixed some log parsing code regarding potentially-harmless warnings from package installation [ ][ ] and the usual build node maintenance was performed by Holger Levsen [ ][ ][ ] and Mattia Rizzolo [ ][ ][ ].

Misc news On our mailing list this month, Santiago Torres asked whether we were still publishing releases of our tools to our website and Chris Lamb replied that this was not the case and fixed the issue. Later in the month Santiago also reported that the signature for the disorderfs package did not pass its GPG verification which was also fixed by Chris Lamb. Hans-Christoph Steiner of the Guardian Project asked whether there would be interest in making our website translatable which resulted in a WIP merge request being filed against the website and a discussion on how to track translation updates.
If you are interested in contributing to the Reproducible Builds project, please visit our Contribute page on our website. However, you can get in touch with us via:

This month s report was written by Bernhard M. Wiedemann, Chris Lamb, Daniel Shahaf, Holger Levsen, Jelle van der Waa, kpcyrd, Mattia Rizzolo and Vagrant Cascadian. It was subsequently reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC and the mailing list.

30 April 2020

Chris Lamb: Free software activities in April 2020

Here is my monthly update covering what I have been doing in the free software world during April 2020 (previous month's report). Looking it over prior to publishing, I am surprised how much I got done this month I felt that I was not only failing to do all the extra things I had planned, but I was doing far less than normal. But let us go easy on ourselves; nobody is nailing this. In addition, I did more hacking on the Lintian static analysis tool for Debian packages:
Reproducible builds One of the original promises of open source software is that distributed peer review and transparency of process results in enhanced end-user security. However, whilst anyone may inspect the source code of free and open source software for malicious flaws, almost all software today is distributed as pre-compiled binaries. This allows nefarious third-parties to compromise systems by injecting malicious code into ostensibly secure software during the various compilation and distribution processes. The motivation behind the Reproducible Builds effort is to ensure no flaws have been introduced during this compilation process by promising identical results are always generated from a given source, thus allowing multiple third-parties to come to a consensus on whether a build was compromised. The initiative is proud to be a member project of the Software Freedom Conservancy, a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) charity focused on ethical technology and user freedom. Conservancy acts as a corporate umbrella allowing projects to operate as non-profit initiatives without managing their own corporate structure. If you like the work of the Conservancy or the Reproducible Builds project, please consider becoming an official supporter. Elsewhere in our tooling, I made the following changes to diffoscope, our in-depth and content-aware diff utility that can locate and diagnose reproducibility issues, including preparing and uploading versions 139, 140, 141 and 142 to Debian: Lastly, I made a large number of changes to our website and documentation in the following categories:
Debian LTS This month I have contributed 18 hours to Debian Long Term Support (LTS) and 7 hours on its sister Extended LTS project. You can find out more about the project via the following video:
Debian I only filed three bugs in April, including one against to report that a Content-Type HTTP header is missing when downloading .deb files (#956471) and to report build failures in the macs & ruby-enumerable-statistics packages:

13 April 2020

Giovanni Mascellani: DKIM for Debian Developers

What is DKIM? DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), as Wikipedia puts it, "is an email authentication method designed to detect forged sender addresses in emails (email spoofing), a technique often used in phishing and email spam". More prosaically, one of the reasons email spam is so abundant is that, given a certain email message, there is no simple way to know for certain who sent it and how reputable they are. So even if people having addresses are very nice and well-behaving, any random spammer can easily send emails from, and even if you trust people from you cannot easily configure your antispam filter to just accept all emails from, because spammers would get in too. Since nearly ten years DKIM is there to help you. If you send an email from with DKIM, it will have a header like this:
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=simple/simple;;
    s=vps.gio.user; t=1586779391;
The field is the domain this email claims to be from and the fields bh= and b= are a cryptographic public key signature certifying this fact. How do I check that the email is actually from I use the selector s=vps.gio.user to fetch the public key via DNS, and then use the public key to verify the signature.
$ host -t TXT descriptive text "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; s=email; h=sha256; p=" "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAsM/W/kxtKWT58Eak0cfm/ntvurfbkkvugrG2jfvSMnHHkFyfJ34Xvn/HhQPLwX1QsjhuLV+tW+BQtxY7jxSABCee6nHQRBrpDej1t86ubw3CSrxcg1mzJI5BbL8un0cwYoBtUvhCYAZKarv1W2otCGs43L0s" "GtEqqtmYN/hIVVm4FcqeYS1cYrZxDsjPzCEocpYBhqHh1MTeUEddVmPHKZswzvllaWF0mgIXrfDNAE0LiX39aFKWtgvflrYFKiL4hCDnBcP2Mr71TVblfDY0wEdAEbGEJqHR1SxvWyn0UU1ZL4vTcylB/KJuV2gMhznOjbnQ6cjAhr2JYpweTYzz3wIDAQAB"
There it is! Debian declares in its DNS record that that key is authorized to sign outbound email from The spammer hopefully does not have access to Debian's DKIM keys, and they cannot sign emails. Many large and small email services have already deployed DKIM since years, while most emails still do not use it. Why not? Because people send emails from many different servers. Basically, every DD used their address sends email from their own mail server, and those mail servers (fortunately) do not have access to Debian's DNS record to install their DKIM keys. Well, that was true until yesterday! :-) A few weeks ago I poked DSA asking to allow any Debian Developer to install their DKIM keys, so that DDs could use DKIM to sign their emails and hopefully reduce the amount of spam sent from They have done it (thank you DSA very much, especially adsb), and now it is possible to use it! How do I configure it? I will not write here a full DKIM tutorial, there are many around. You have to use opendkim-genkey to generate a key and then configure your mail server to use opendkim to digitally sign outbound email. There are a few Debian-specific things you have to care about, though. First the have to choose a selector, which is a string used to distinguish many DKIM keys belonging to the same domain. Debian allows you to installa a key whose selector is <something>.<uid>.user, where <uid> is your Debian uid (this is done both for namespacing reasons and for exposing who might be abusing the system). So check carefully that your selector has this form. Then you cannot edit directly Debian's DNS record. But you can use the email-LDAP gateway on to install your key in a way similar to how entries in are handled (see the updated documentation). Specifically, suppose that opendkim-genkey generated the following thing for selector vps.gio.user and domain
vps.gio.user._domainkey IN  TXT ( "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; "
      "ddVmPHKZswzvllaWF0mgIXrfDNAE0LiX39aFKWtgvflrYFKiL4hCDnBcP2Mr71TVblfDY0wEdAEbGEJqHR1SxvWyn0UU1ZL4vTcylB/KJuV2gMhznOjbnQ6cjAhr2JYpweTYzz3wIDAQAB" )  ; ----- DKIM key vps.gio.user for
Then you have to carefully copy the content of the p= field (without being fooled by it being split between different strings) and construct a request of the form:
dkimPubKey: vps.gio.user MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAsM/W/kxtKWT58Eak0cfm/ntvurfbkkvugrG2jfvSMnHHkFyfJ34Xvn/HhQPLwX1QsjhuLV+tW+BQtxY7jxSABCee6nHQRBrpDej1t86ubw3CSrxcg1mzJI5BbL8un0cwYoBtUvhCYAZKarv1W2otCGs43L0sGtEqqtmYN/hIVVm4FcqeYS1cYrZxDsjPzCEocpYBhqHh1MTeUEddVmPHKZswzvllaWF0mgIXrfDNAE0LiX39aFKWtgvflrYFKiL4hCDnBcP2Mr71TVblfDY0wEdAEbGEJqHR1SxvWyn0UU1ZL4vTcylB/KJuV2gMhznOjbnQ6cjAhr2JYpweTYzz3wIDAQAB
and then send it GPG-signed to
echo 'dkimPubKey: vps.gio.user blahblahblah'   gpg --clearsign   mail
Then use host -t TXT to chech the key gets published (it will probably take some minutes/hours, I don't know). Once it is published, you can enable DKIM in you mail server and your email will be signed. Congratulations, you will not look like a spammer any more! You can send an email to to check that your setup is correct. They will reply with a report, including the success of DKIM test. Notice that currently Debian's setup only allows you to use RSA DKIM keys and doesn't allow you to set other DKIM fields (but you probably won't need to set them). EDIT DSA made an official announcement about DKIM support, which you might want to check out as well, together with its links. EDIT 2 Now ed25519 keys are supported, the syntax for specifying keys on LDAP is a little bit more flexible and you can also insert CNAME records. See the official documentation for the updated details. So we have solved our problems with spam? Ha, no! DKIM is only a small step. Useful, also because it enable other steps to be taken in the future, but small. In particular, DKIM enables you to say: "This particular email actually comes from", but doesn't tell anybody what to do with emails that are not signed. A third-party mail server might wonder whether emails are actually supposed to be signed or not. There is another standard for dealing with that, which is called DMARD, and I believe that Debian should eventually use it, but not now: the problem is that currently virtually no email from is signed with DKIM, so if DMARC was enabled other mail servers would start to nuke all emails, except those which are already signed, a minority. If people and services sending emails from will start configuring DKIM on their servers, which is now possible, it will eventually come a time when DMARC can be enabled, and spammers will find themselves unable to send forged emails. We are not there yet, but todays we are a little step closer than yesterday. Also, notice that having DKIM on only counters spam pretending to be from, but there is much more. The policy on what to accept is mostly independent on that on what you send. However, knowing that emails have DKIM and DMARC would mean that we can set our spam filters to be more aggressive in general, but whitelist official Debian Developers and services. And the same can be done for other domains using DKIM and DMARC. Finally, notice that some incompatibilities between DKIM and mailing lists are known, and do not have a definitive answer yet. Basically, most mailing list engines modify either the body of the headers in forwarded emails, which means that DKIM does not validate any more. There are many proposed solutions, possibly none completely satisfying, but since spam is not very satisfying as well, something will have to be worked out. I wrote a lot already, though, so I wont't discuss this here.

26 March 2020

Axel Beckert: Pictures in pure HTML with chafa and aha

I recently stumbled upon chafa, a tool to display pictures, especially color pictures on your ANSI text terminal, e.g. inside an xterm. And I occasionally use aha, the Ansi HTML Adapter to convert a colorful terminal content into HTML to show off terminal screenshots without the requirement of a picture so that it also works in e.g. text browsers or for blinds. Combining chafa and aha: Examples A moment ago I had the thought what would happen if I feed the output of chafa into aha and expected nothing really usable. But I was surprised by the quality of the outcome.
looks like this after chafa -w 9 -c full -s 160x50 DSCN4692.jpg aha -n:
Checking the Look in Text Browsers It even looks not that bad in elinks as far as I know the only text browser which supports CSS and styles:
In Lynx and Links 2, the text composing the image is displayed only in black and white, but you at least can recognise the edges in the picture:
Same Functionality in One Tool? I knew there was a tool which did this in one step. Seems to have been png2html. Tried to play around with it, too, but neither really understood how to use it (seems to require a text file for the characters to be used why?) nor did I really got it working. It always ran until I aborted it and it never filled the target file with any content. Additionally, png2html insists on one character per pixel, requiring to first properly resize the image before converting to HTML. The Keyboard in the Pictures Oh, and btw., the displayed keyboard is my Zlant. The Zlant is a 40% uniform staggered mechanical keyboard. Currently, only Zlant PCBs are available at 1UP Keyboards (USA), i.e. no complete kits. It is shown with the SA Vilebloom key cap set, currently available at MechSupply (UK).

1 August 2017

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities July 2017




  • Debian: fsck/reboot a buildd, reboot a segfaulting buildd, report/fix broken hoster contact, ping hoster about down machines, forcibly reset backup machine, merged cache patch for network-test.d.o, do some samhain dances, fix two stunnel services, update an IP address in LDAP, fix /etc/aliases on one host, reboot 1 non-responsive VM
  • Debian mentors: security updates, reboot
  • Debian wiki: whitelist several email addresses
  • Debian build log scanner: deploy my changes
  • Debian PTS: deploy my changes
  • Openmoko: security updates & reboots

  • Ping Advogato users on Planet Debian about updating/removing their feeds since it shut down
  • Invite deepin to the Debian derivatives census
  • Welcome Deepin to the Debian derivatives census
  • Inquire about the status of GreenboneOS, HandyLinux

Sponsors All work was done on a volunteer basis.

1 July 2017

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities June 2017




  • Debian: redirect 2 users to support channels, redirect 1 person to the mirrors team, investigate SMTP TLS question, fix ACL issue, restart dead exim4 service
  • Debian mentors: service restarts, security updates & reboot
  • Debian QA: deploy my changes
  • Debian website: release related rebuilds, rebuild installation-guide
  • Debian wiki: whitelist several email addresses, whitelist 1 domain
  • Debian package tracker: deploy my changes
  • Debian derivatives census: deploy my changes
  • Openmoko: security updates & reboots.


Sponsors All work was done on a volunteer basis.

1 June 2017

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities May 2017




  • Debian: discuss mail bounces with a hoster, check perms of LE results, add 1 user to a group, re-sent some TLS cert expiry mail, clean up mail bounce flood, approve some TLS certs, do the samhain dance thrice, end 1 samhain mail flood, diagnose/fix LDAP update issue, relay DebConf cert expiry mails, reboot 2 non-responsive VM, merged patches for meta-package,
  • Debian mentors: lintian/security updates & reboot
  • Debian wiki: delete stray tmp file, whitelist 14 email addresses, disable 1 accounts with bouncing email, ping 3 persons with bouncing email
  • Debian website: update/push index/CD/distrib
  • Debian QA: deploy my changes, disable some removed suites in qadb
  • Debian PTS: strip whitespace from existing pages, invalidate sigs so pages get a rebuild
  • Debian derivatives census: deploy changes
  • Openmoko: security updates & reboots.

  • Invite Purism (on IRC), XBian (also on IRC), DuZeru to the Debian derivatives census
  • Respond to the shutdown of Parsix
  • Report BlankOn fileserver and Huayra webserver issues
  • Organise a transition of Ubuntu/Endless Debian derivatives census maintainers
  • Advocate against Debian having a monopoly on hardware certification
  • Advocate working with existing merchandise vendors
  • Start a discussion about Debian membership in other organisations
  • Advocate for HPE to join the LVFS & support fwupd

Sponsors All work was done on a volunteer basis.

27 May 2017

Russ Allbery: On time management

Last December, the Guardian published a long essay by Oliver Burkeman entitled "Why time management is ruining our lives". Those who follow my book reviews know I read a lot of time management books, so of course I couldn't resist this. And, possibly surprisingly, not to disagree with it. It's an excellent essay, and well worth your time. Burkeman starts by talking about Inbox Zero:
If all this fervour seems extreme Inbox Zero was just a set of technical instructions for handling email, after all this was because email had become far more than a technical problem. It functioned as a kind of infinite to-do list, to which anyone on the planet could add anything at will.
This is, as Burkeman develops in the essay, an important critique of time management techniques in general, not just Inbox Zero: perhaps you can become moderately more efficient, but what are you becoming more efficient at doing, and why does it matter? If there were a finite amount of things that you had to accomplish, with leisure the reward at the end of the fixed task list, doing those things more efficiently makes perfect sense. But this is not the case in most modern life. Instead, we live in a world governed by Parkinson's Law: "Work expands to fill the time available for its completion." Worse, we live in a world where the typical employer takes Parkinson's Law, not as a statement on the nature of ever-expanding to-do lists, but a challenge to compress the time made available for a task to try to force the work to happen faster. Burkeman goes farther into the politics, pointing out that a cui bono analysis of time management suggests that we're all being played by capitalist employers. I wholeheartedly agree, but that's worth a separate discussion; for those who want to explore that angle, David Graeber's Debt and John Kenneth Galbraith's The Affluent Society are worth your time. What I want to write about here is why I still read (and recommend) time management literature, and how my thinking on it has changed. I started in the same place that most people probably do: I had a bunch of work to juggle, I felt I was making insufficient forward progress on it, and I felt my day contained a lot of slack that could be put to better use. The alluring promise of time management is that these problems can be resolved with more organization and some focus techniques. And there is a huge surge of energy that comes with adopting a new system and watching it work, since the good ones build psychological payoff into the tracking mechanism. Starting a new time management system is fun! Finishing things is fun! I then ran into the same problem that I think most people do: after that initial surge of enthusiasm, I had lists, systems, techniques, data on where my time was going, and a far more organized intake process. But I didn't feel more comfortable with how I was spending my time, I didn't have more leisure time, and I didn't feel happier. Often the opposite: time management systems will often force you to notice all the things you want to do and how slow your progress is towards accomplishing any of them. This is my fundamental disagreement with Getting Things Done (GTD): David Allen firmly believes that the act of recording everything that is nagging at you to be done relieves the brain of draining background processing loops and frees you to be more productive. He argues for this quite persuasively; as you can see from my review, I liked his book a great deal, and used his system for some time. But, at least for me, this does not work. Instead, having a complete list of goals towards which I am making slow or no progress is profoundly discouraging and depressing. The process of maintaining and dwelling on that list while watching it constantly grow was awful, quite a bit worse psychologically than having no time management system at all. Mark Forster is the time management author who speaks the best to me, and one of the points he makes is that time management is the wrong framing. You're not going to somehow generate more time, and you're usually not managing minutes and seconds. A better framing is task management, or commitment management: the goal of the system is to manage what you mentally commit to accomplishing, usually by restricting that list to something far shorter than you would come up with otherwise. How, in other words, to limit your focus to a small enough set of goals that you can make meaningful progress instead of thrashing. That, for me, is now the merit and appeal of time (or task) management systems: how do I sort through all the incoming noise, distractions, requests, desires, and compelling ideas that life throws at me and figure out which of them are worth investing time in? I also benefit from structuring that process for my peculiar psychology, in which backlogs I have to look at regularly are actively dangerous for my mental well-being. Left unchecked, I can turn even the most enjoyable hobby into an obligation and then into a source of guilt for not meeting the (entirely artificial) terms of the obligation I created, without even intending to. And here I think it has a purpose, but it's not the purpose that the time management industry is selling. If you think of time management as a way to get more things done and get more out of each moment, you're going to be disappointed (and you're probably also being taken advantage of by the people who benefit from unsustainable effort without real, unstructured leisure time). I practice Inbox Zero, but the point wasn't to be more efficient at processing my email. The point was to avoid the (for me) psychologically damaging backlog of messages while acting on the knowledge that 99% of email should go immediately into the trash with no further action. Email is an endless incoming stream of potential obligations or requests for my time (even just to read a longer message) that I should normallly reject. I also take the time to notice patterns of email that I never care about and then shut off the source or write filters to delete that email for me. I can then reserve my email time for moments of human connection, directly relevant information, or very interesting projects, and spend the time on those messages without guilt (or at least much less guilt) about ignoring everything else. Prioritization is extremely difficult, particularly once you realize that true prioritization is not about first and later, but about soon or never. The point of prioritization is not to choose what to do first, it's to choose the 5% of things that you going to do at all, convince yourself to be mentally okay with never doing the other 95% (and not lying to yourself about how there will be some future point when you'll magically have more time), and vigorously defend your focus and effort for that 5%. And, hopefully, wholeheartedly enjoy working on those things, without guilt or nagging that there's something else you should be doing instead. I still fail at this all the time. But I'm better than I used to be. For me, that mental shift was by far the hardest part. But once you've made that shift, I do think the time management world has a lot of tools and techniques to help you make more informed choices about the 5%, and to help you overcome procrastination and loss of focus on your real goals. Those real goals should include true unstructured leisure and "because I want to" projects. And hopefully, if you're in a financial position to do it, include working less on what other people want you to do and more on the things that delight you. Or at least making a well-informed strategic choice (for the sake of money or some other concrete and constantly re-evaluated reason) to sacrifice your personal goals for some temporary external ones.

1 March 2017

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities February 2017




  • Debian: do the samhain dance, ask for new local contacts at one site, ask local admins to reset one machine, powercycle 2 dead machines, redirect 1 user to the support channels, redirect 1 user to a service admin, redirect 1 spam reporter to the right mechanisms, investigate mail logs for a missing bug report, ping bugs-search.d.o service admin about moving off glinka and remove data, poke cdimage-search.d.o service admin about moving off glinka, update a cron job on denis.d.o for the rename of to dehydrated, debug planet.d.o issue and remove stray cron job lock file, check if ftp is used on a couple of security.d.o mirrors, discuss storage upgrade for LeaseWeb for snapshot.d.o/deriv.d.n/etc, investigate SSD SMART error and ignore the unknown attribute, ask 9 users to restart their processes, investigate apt-get update failure in nagios, swapoff/swapon a swap file to drain it, restart/disable some failed services, help restore the backup server, debug stretch /dev/log issue,
  • Debian QA: deploy merged PTS/tracker patches,
  • Debian wiki: answer 1 IP-blocked VPN user, pinged 1 user on IRC about their bouncing mail, disabled 4 accounts due to bouncing mail, redirect 1 person to documentation/lists, whitelist 5 email addresses, forward 1 password reset token, killed 1 spammer account, reverted 1 spammer edit,
  • Debian mentors: security upgrades, check which email a user signed up with
  • Openmoko: security upgrades, daemon restarts, reboot

Debian derivatives
  • Turned off the census cron job because it ran out of disk space
  • Update Armbian sources.list
  • Ping siduction folks about updating their sources.list
  • Start a discussion about DebConf17
  • Notify the derivatives based on jessie or older that stretch is frozen
  • Invite Rebellin Linux (again)

Sponsors The libesedb Debian backport was sponsored by my employer. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

14 February 2017

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible Builds: week 94 in Stretch cycle

Here's what happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday February 5 and Saturday February 11 2017: Upcoming events Patches sent upstream Packages reviewed and fixed, and bugs filed Chris Lamb: Daniel Shahaf: "Z. Ren": Reviews of unreproducible packages 83 package reviews have been added, 8 have been updated and 32 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. 5 issue types have been added: 1 issue type has been updated: Weekly QA work During our reproducibility testing, the following FTBFS bugs have been detected and reported by: diffoscope development diffoscope versions 71, 72, 73, 74 & 75 were uploaded to unstable by Chris Lamb: strip-nondeterminism development strip-nondeterminism 0.030-1 was uploaded to unstable by Chris Lamb: development reproducible-website development Misc. This week's edition was written by Chris Lamb & reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC & the mailing lists.

11 February 2017

Niels Thykier: On making Britney smarter

Updating Britney often makes our life easier. Like: Concretely, transitions have become a lot easier. When I joined the release team in the summer 2011, about the worst thing that could happen was discovering that two transitions had become entangled. You would have to wait for everything to be ready to migrate at the same time and then you usually also had to tell Britney what had to migrate together. Today, Britney will often (but not always) de-tangle the transitions on her own and very often figure out how to migrate packages without help. The latter is in fact very visible if you know where to look. Behold, the number of manual easy and hint -hints by RT members per year[2]:
Year   Total   easy   hint
2005     53      30    23 
2006    146      74    72
2007     70      40    30
2008    113      68    45
2009    229     171    58
2010    252     159    93
2011    255     118   137
2012     29      21     8
2013     36      30     6
2014     20      20     0
2015     25      17     8
2016     16      11     5
2017      1       1     0
As can be seen, the number of manual hints drop by factor of ~8.8 between 2011 and 2012. Now, I have not actually done a proper statistical test of the data, but I have a hunch that drop was significant (see also [3] for a very short data discussion). In conclusion: Smooth-updates (which was enabled late in 2011) have been a tremendous success.  [1] A very surprising side-effect of that commit was that the ( original ) auto-hinter could now solve a complicated haskell transition. Turns out that it works a lot better, when you give correct information!  [2] As extracted by the following script and then manually massaged into an ASCII table. Tweak the in-line regex to see different hints.
respighi.d.o$ cd "/home/release/britney/hints" && perl -E '
    my (%years, %hints);
        if (m/^\#\s*(\d 4 )(?:-?\d 2 -?\d 2 );/ or m/^\#\s*(?:\d+-\d+-\d+\s*[;:]?\s*)?done\s*[;:]?\s*(\d 4 )(?:-?\d 2 -?\d 2 )/)  
             $year = $1; next;
         if (m/^((?:easy hint) .*)/)  
             my $hint = $1; $years $year ++ if defined($year) and not $hints $hint ++;
         if (m/^\s*$/)   $year = undef; next;  
    for my $year (sort(keys(%years)))   
        my $count = $years $year ;
        print "$year: $count\n"
     ' * OLD/jessie/* OLD/wheezy/* OLD/Lenny/* OLD/*
[3] I should probably mention for good measure that extraction is ignoring all hints where it cannot figure out what year it was from or if it is a duplicate. Notable it is omitting about 100 easy/hint-hints from OLD/Lenny (compared to a grep -c), which I think accounts for the low numbers from 2007 (among other). Furthermore, hints files are not rotated based on year or age, nor am I sure we still have all complete hints files from all members.
Filed under: Debian, Release-Team

2 February 2017

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities January 2017




  • Debian: reboot 1 non-responsive VM, redirect 2 users to support channels, redirect 1 contributor to xkb upstream, redirect 1 potential contributor, redirect 1 bug reporter to mirror team, ping 7 folks about restarting processes with upgraded libs, manually restart the sectracker process due to upgraded libs, restart the package tracker process due to upgraded libs, investigate failures connecting to the XMPP service, investigate /dev/shm issue on abel.d.o, clean up after rename of the fedmsg group.
  • Debian mentors: lintian/security updates & reboot
  • Debian packages: deploy 2 contributions to the live server
  • Debian wiki: unblacklist 1 IP address, whitelist 10 email addresses, disable 18 accounts with bouncing email, update email for 2 accounts with bouncing email, reported 1 Debian member as MIA, redirect 1 user to support channels, add 4 domains to the whitelist.
  • Reproducible builds: rescheduled Debian pyxplot:amd64/unstable for themill.
  • Openmoko: security updates & reboots.

Debian derivatives
  • Send the annual activity ping mail.
  • Happy new year messages on IRC, forward to the list.
  • Note that SerbianLinux does not provide source packages.
  • Expand URL shortener on SerbianLinux page.
  • Invite PelicanHPC, Netrunner, DietPi, Hamara Linux (on IRC), BitKey to the census.
  • Add research publications link to the census template
  • Fix Symbiosis sources.list
  • Enquired about SalentOS downtime
  • Fixed and removed some 404 BlankOn links (blog, English homepage)
  • Fixed changes to AstraLinux sources.list
  • Welcome Netrunner to the census

Sponsors I renewed my support of Software Freedom Conservancy. The openchange 1:2.2-6+deb8u1 upload was sponsored by my employer. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

11 September 2016

Niels Thykier: Unseen changes to lintian.d.o

We have been making a lot of minor changes to lintian.d.o and the underlying report framework. Most of them were hardly noticeable to the naked. In fact, I probably would not have spotted any of them, if I had not been involved in writing them. Nonetheless, I felt like sharing them, so here goes. User visible changes: In case you were wondering, the section title is partly a pun as half of these changes were intended to assist visually impaired users. They were triggered by me running into Sam Hartmann at DebConf16, where I asked him about how easy Debian s websites were for blind people. Allegedly, we are generally doing quite good in his opinion (with one exception, for which Sam filed Bug#830213), which was a positive surprise for me. On a related note: Thanks Luke Faraone and Asheesh Laroia for getting helping me started on these changes. Reporting framework / Internal changes: With the last change + the no generate reports option, we were able to schedule lintian more frequently. Originally, lintian only ran once a day. With the no generate reports , we added a second run and with the last changes, we bumped it to 4 times a day. Unsurprisingly, it means that we are now reprocessing the archive a lot faster than previously. All of the above is basically the all the note-worthy changes on the Lintian reporting framework since the Partial rewrite of lintian s reporting setup (~1 years ago).
Filed under: Debian, Lintian

14 August 2016

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible Builds: week 68 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday August 7 and Saturday August 13 2016: GSoC and Outreachy updates Reproducible work in other projects Thomas Schmitt implemented a new -as mkisofs option:
--set_all_file_dates timestring
Set mtime, atime, and ctime of all files and directories to  the
given time.
Valid  timestring  formats  are:  'Nov  8  14:51:13  CET  2007',
110814512007.13, 2007110814511300. See also --modification-date=
and man xorriso, Examples of input timestrings.
This  action  stays  delayed until mkisofs emulation ends. Up to
then it  can  be  revoked  by  --set_all_file_dates  with  empty
timestring.   In  any  case  files  which get into the ISO after
mkisofs emulation ended will not  be  affected,  unless  another
mkisofs emulation applies --set_all_file_date again.
LEDE developer Jonas Gorski submitted a patch to fix build times in their kernel:
kernel: allow reproducable builds
Similar how we fix the file times in the filesystems, fix the build time
of the kernel, and make the build number static. This should allow the
kernel build to be reproducable when combined with setting the
KERNEL\_BUILD\_USER and \_DOMAIN in case of different machines.
The reproducability only applies to non-initramfs kernels, those still
require additional changes.
Signed-off-by: Jonas Gorski <>
Packages reviewed and fixed, and bugs filed Patches have been submitted by: Package reviews 28 reviews have been added, 4 have been updated and 7 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. Issue types have been added/updated: Weekly QA work FTBFS bugs have been reported by: diffoscope development strip-nondeterminism development Misc. Chris started to ping old bugs with patches and no maintainer reaction so far. This week's edition was written by Chris Lamb and Holger Levsen and reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC.

8 August 2016

Michael Stapelberg: Debian Code Search: improving client-side latency

A while ago, it occurred to me that querying Debian Code Search seemed slow, which surprised me because I previously spent quite some effort on making it faster, see Debian Code Search Instant and Taming the latency tail for the most recent substantial architecture overhaul and related optimizations. Upon taking a closer look, I realized that while performing the search query on the server side was pretty fast, the perceived slowness was due to the client side being slow. By being slow , I mean that it took a long time until something was drawn on the screen (high latency) and that what was happening on the screen was janky (stuttering, not smooth). Part of that slowness was due to historical reasons: the client-side architecture was optimized for the use-case where users open Debian Code Search s index page and then submit a search query, but I was using Chrome s address bar to send a search query (type codesearch , then hit the TAB key). Further, we only added a non-JavaScript version after we launched the JavaScript version. Hence, the redirects and progressive enhancements we implemented are more of a kludge than a well thought out design. After this bit of original investigation, I opened GitHub issue #69 to track the work on making Debian Code Search faster. In that issue, I captured how Chrome s network inspector visualizes the work necessary to render the page: Chrome network inspector: before A couple of quick wins There are a couple of little fixes and improvements on which I m not going to spend too much time on, but which I list for completeness anyway just in case they come in handy for a similar project of yours: Bigger changes The URL pattern has changed. Previously, we had 2 areas of the website, one for JavaScript-compatible clients and one for the rest. When you hit the wrong one, you were redirected. In some areas, we couldn t tell which area is the correct one for you, so you would always incur a redirect: one example for this is the search bar. With the new URL pattern, we deliver both versions under the same URL: the elements only used by the JavaScript code are hidden using CSS by default, then made visible by JavaScript code. The elements only used by the non-JavaScript code are wrapped in a <noscript> tag. All CSS which is required for the initial page rendering is now inlined in the responses, allowing the browser to immediately render a response without requiring any additional round trips. All non-essential CSS has been moved into a separate CSS file which is loaded asynchronously. This is done using a pattern like <link rel="preload" href="foo.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'">, see also filamentgroup/loadCSS. We switched from WebSockets to the EventSource API because the former is not compatible with HTTP/2, whereas the latter is. This removes a round trip and some custom code for WebSocket reconnecting, because EventSource does that for you. The progress bar animation used to animate the background-position property. It turns out that browsers can only animate the position, scale, rotation and opacity properties smoothly, because such animations can be off-loaded to the GPU. Hence, we have re-implemented the progress bar animation using the position property. The biggest win for improving client-side latency from the Chrome address bar was introducing Service Workers (see commit 7f31aef402cb782056e290a797f224171f4af270). Our Service Worker caches static assets and a placeholder results page. The placeholder page is presented immediately when you start a search (e.g. from the address bar), making the first response immediate, i.e. rendered within 100ms. Having assets and the result page out of the way, the first round trip is used for actually doing the search, removing all unnecessary overhead. With all of these improvements in place, rendering latency goes down from half a second to well under 100 ms, and this is what the Chrome network inspector looks like: Chrome network inspector: after

16 July 2016

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: Freexian s report about Debian Long Term Support, June 2016

A Debian LTS logoLike each month, here comes a report about the work of paid contributors to Debian LTS. Individual reports In June, 158.25 work hours have been dispatched among 11 paid contributors. Their reports are available: DebConf 16 Presentation If you want to know more about how the LTS project is organized, you can watch the presentation I gave during DebConf 16 in Cape Town. Evolution of the situation The number of sponsored hours increased a little bit at 135 hours per month thanks to 3 new sponsors (Laboratoire LEGI UMR 5519 / CNRS, Quarantainenet BV, GNI MEDIA). Our funding goal is getting closer but it s not there yet. The security tracker currently lists 40 packages with a known CVE and the dla-needed.txt file lists 38 packages awaiting an update. Thanks to our sponsors New sponsors are in bold.

26 June 2016

Clint Adams: A local script for local people

This isn't actually answering the question, but it's close. It's also horrible, so whoever adopts Enrico's script should also completely rewrite this or burn it along with the stack of pizza boxes and the grand piano. Input:
set -e
keyring=$ 1:-ksp-dc16.gpg 
myfpr=$ 2:-2100A32C46F895AF3A08783AF6D3495BB0AE9A02 
#keyserver=$ 3:- 
# this doesn't handle hokey fetch failures
#(for fpr in $(hkt list --keyring $ keyring  --output-format JSON   jq '.[].publickey.fpr')
#  hokey fetch --keyserver "$ keyserver " --validation-method MatchPrimaryKeyFingerprint "$ (Q)fpr "
#done) >$ NEWKEYS 
#gpg2 --no-default-keyring --keyring $ NEWKEYRING  --import $ NEWKEYS 
cp "$ keyring " "$ NEWKEYRING "
gpg2 --no-default-keyring --keyring $ NEWKEYRING  --refresh
hkt findpaths --keyring $ NEWKEYRING  '' '' '' > $ PATHS 
id=$(awk -F, "/$ myfpr )\$/  sub(/\(/,BLANKY,\$1);print \$1; " $ PATHS )
grep -e ",\[$ id ," -e ",$ id \]" $ PATHS    sort -n   tail -n 10 > $ FARTHEST_TEN 
targetids=($ (f)"$ $((sed 's/^.*\[//;s/,.*$//;' $ FARTHEST_TEN ; sed 's/\])$//;s/.*,//;' $ FARTHEST_TEN )   sort -n -u   grep -v "^$ id $") " )
targetfprs=($(for i in $ targetids ; do awk -F, "/\($ i ,[^[]/  sub(/\)/,BLANKY,\$2); print \$2 " $ PATHS ; done))
gpg2 --no-default-keyring --keyring $ NEWKEYRING  --list-keys $ targetfprs 
pub   rsa4096/0x664F1238AA8F138A 2015-07-14 [SC]
      Key fingerprint = 3575 0B8F B6EF 95FF 16B8  EBC0 664F 1238 AA8F 138A
uid                   [ unknown] Daniel Lange <>
sub   rsa4096/0x03BEE1C11DB1954B 2015-07-14 [E]
pub   rsa4096/0xDF23DA3396978EB3 2014-09-05 [SC]
      Key fingerprint = BBBC 58B4 5994 CF9C CC56  BCDA DF23 DA33 9697 8EB3
uid                   [  undef ] Michael Meskes <>
uid                   [  undef ] Michael Meskes <>
uid                   [  undef ] Michael Meskes <>
uid                   [  undef ] Michael Meskes <>
sub   rsa4096/0x85C3AFFECF0BF9B5 2014-09-05 [E]
sub   rsa4096/0x35D857C0BBCB3B25 2014-11-04 [S]
pub   rsa4096/0x1E953E27D4311E58 2009-07-12 [SC]
      Key fingerprint = C2FE 4BD2 71C1 39B8 6C53  3E46 1E95 3E27 D431 1E58
uid                   [  undef ] Chris Lamb <>
uid                   [  undef ] Chris Lamb <>
uid                   [  undef ] Chris Lamb <>
sub   rsa4096/0x72B3DBA98575B3F2 2009-07-12 [E]
pub   rsa4096/0xDF6D76C44D696F6B 2014-08-15 [SC] [expires: 2017-06-03]
      Key fingerprint = 1A6F 3E63 9A44 67E8 C347  6525 DF6D 76C4 4D69 6F6B
uid                   [ unknown] Sven Bartscher <>
uid                   [ unknown] Sven Bartscher <>
uid                   [ unknown] Sven Bartscher <>
sub   rsa4096/0x9E83B071ED764C3A 2014-08-15 [E]
sub   rsa4096/0xAEB25323217028C2 2016-06-14 [S]
pub   rsa4096/0x83E33BD7D4DD4CA1 2015-11-12 [SC] [expires: 2017-11-11]
      Key fingerprint = 0B5A 33B8 A26D 6010 9C50  9C6C 83E3 3BD7 D4DD 4CA1
uid                   [ unknown] Jerome Charaoui <>
sub   rsa4096/0x6614611FBD6366E7 2015-11-12 [E]
sub   rsa4096/0xDB17405204ECB364 2015-11-12 [A] [expires: 2017-11-11]
pub   rsa4096/0xF823A2729883C97C 2014-08-26 [SC]
      Key fingerprint = 8ED6 C3F8 BAC9 DB7F C130  A870 F823 A272 9883 C97C
uid                   [ unknown] Lucas Kanashiro <>
uid                   [ unknown] Lucas Kanashiro <>
sub   rsa4096/0xEE6E5D1A9C2F5EA6 2014-08-26 [E]
pub   rsa4096/0x2EC0FFB3B7301B1F 2014-08-29 [SC] [expires: 2017-04-06]
      Key fingerprint = 76A2 8E42 C981 1D91 E88F  BA5E 2EC0 FFB3 B730 1B1F
uid                   [ unknown] Niko Tyni <>
uid                   [ unknown] Niko Tyni <>
uid                   [ unknown] Niko Tyni <>
sub   rsa4096/0x129086C411868FD0 2014-08-29 [E] [expires: 2017-04-06]
pub   rsa4096/0xAA761F51CC10C92A 2016-06-20 [SC] [expires: 2018-06-20]
      Key fingerprint = C9DE 2EA8 93EE 4C86 BE73  973A AA76 1F51 CC10 C92A
uid                   [ unknown] Roger Shimizu <>
sub   rsa4096/0x2C2EE1D5DBE7B292 2016-06-20 [E] [expires: 2018-06-20]
sub   rsa4096/0x05C7FD79DD03C4BB 2016-06-20 [S] [expires: 2016-09-18]
Note that this completely neglects potential victims who are unconnected within the KSP set.

